He is playful with it
He is playful with it
He holds space of heightened interpersonal awareness
He encourages us to find our voice amongst others
He turns spectators into active participants
conjuring elevated collective flow
reconnecting with our innate musicality
rekindling age old skills & traditions
Jurgis is XXIst century troubadour; conjuring music on the spot, bringing people together, focusing attention, and shifting intention through playful musical mischief.
Songs with a deeper story and meaning; whether it’s an ode to the elements, a piece for our ancestors or the articulation of a deeper emotion; music is both the vessel and the medicine for our souls.
Jurgis’s performances are about engaging the audience and creating what is known as “communitas” – a moment of exceptional togetherness where we become music together.
Jurgis explores music’s meaning, expressions, and applications, using it to shape behaviors, elevate humanity, and confront pressing issues creatively. Each single aims not only to entertain but also to convey profound messages.